MYEGO Men’s Tinted Moisturiser
Upgrade your complexion with MyEgo’s discreet and lightly tinted moisturiser for men. This natural cosmetic product has been engineered for the biological structure of men’s skin and ads a dose of healthy colour upon easy application. Used in place of your regular daily moisturiser, branded a Fonteint Hydrating Enhancer, MyEgo’s supreme formula quickly gets to work on hiding those confidence damaging imperfections.
Designed to blend subtly and quickly into both light and medium skin tones, MyEgo’s tinted moisturiser provides the perfect grooming get out of jail free card. Experience a surge in confidence with truly great looking skin, similar to those illustrated here. Whether it’s pimples, blemishes, marks, uneven skin or even Rosacea, allow this quick absorbing formula to instantly get to work. Improve skin texture with this oil-free men’s cosmetic product - dubbed your ‘morning after Salvation’ by Esquire Magazine.
Size - 40ml