MMUK MAN Anti-Acne Facial Polish

Following a good cleansing regime is essential to fighting acne, spots and blemishes once and for all. A huge step towards this, is the use of a targeted exfoliating facial scrub and we’re extremely fortunate to have one of the best in the male grooming business. MMUK MAN’s Anti-Acne Facial Polish rids the skin of spot causing grease, oil and grime and supports the long term regeneration of your complexion.
Improving your skin’s appearance, texture and tone, this face scrub for acne prone skin is as gentle as it is effective and with its mild cleansing power and superior ingredients, finally keep your break outs at bay. Cleaning effortlessly without causing pain or over-drying, this luxurious facial polish utilizes the power of Apricot Oils, Lemon, Apple and Aloe Vera to maintain your skin’s natural moisture, whilst still being able to strip away spot causing toxins. Built with Green Tea, Sugar Cane and seaweed also, naturally reinforce your skin’s defense against spot and blemish break outs. When used three to four times a week, you’ll see a significant improvement within 2-4 weeks with this men’s skincare product formulated for all skin types.
Size – 120ml