mens brow gel

  1. 5 Benefits of Using Brow Gel For Men

    Men's brow gel is relatively new on the makeup for men scene, making an appearance in the UK for the first time in 2014.  With a few variations out there, from MMUK MAN and 4VOO most notably, we will take the opportunity this week fellas to discuss just how including one into your grooming regime can really help your look...
  2. Product Review: MMUK MAN Brow Gel

    Ever since my adolescent years started to kick in, it’s been a growing struggle to tame my unruly and misbehaving eye brows.  Whilst they’re bushiness, shape and overwhelming sense of presence, continue to dominate my facial look, I’ve had minimal luck in trying to get them back under control. Over the years i’ve tried many a formula and gels to...
  3. Makeup For Men Masterclass | Eyebrow Grooming and Brow Gel

    A short while ago MMUK MAN launched our very own range of eye makeup for men products.  Included in this range was our hugely popular brow gel for men.  Believing it to be not quite as popular as some of the other men’s makeup products included in the launch, it is fair to say that even the experts sometimes get...
  4. Festival Makeup For Men: Makeup, Men & Music.

    The festival season is well and truly in swing.  With big name acts performing at some of the biggest UK festivals this summer, it’s not just your usual festival gear that gentlemen around the country are dusting off prior to the big event. Instead, festival makeup for men products are being tucked away prior to the big event by Britain’s...

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