beard filler

  1. 4 Tips to Tackle Beard Patchiness

    4 Tips to Tackle Beard Patchiness
    For men struggling with patchiness in their facial hair, you are not alone. It’s a daunting (and global) problem and if you are experiencing this, it’s actually quite normal. Following these below steps is a great start to help battle those patchy facial imperfections. Whether you are looking to encourage hair growth, or just learn how to camouflage a targeted...
  2. How To Cover Acne Scars With Your Beard

    How To Cover Acne Scars With Your Beard
    Facial scars are something that a lot of us guys have to deal with on a daily basis. Whether they are dispersed over your face after teenage acne, or if you have one or two particular scars that you’re struggling to cover, regardless of the amount of makeup you are applying. Over the past few months, gentlemen with facial scaring...
  3. A Guide to Men's Beard Makeup

    A Guide to Men's Beard Makeup
    For a lot of guys, managing facial hair with makeup wear can often pose a conflict of interest, so to speak. Getting to grips with men's beard fillers or enhancers, for example, can seem like a real struggle. Likewise, if you're looking to take advantage of the power of a foundation, concealer or bronzer, navigating these products around a beard...

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