Of the many requests MMUK MAN receive, there is a growing trend for men seeking advice on covering blemishes on their forehead. Whether it's sun spots, acne, white heads or sun damage marks, the good news is my brave warriors, that there is certainly something we can do to help here at Makeup For Men UK.

Covering all manner of imperfections can be done so with a duo of concealer for men and men's face foundation. Whether you're keen to make a great physical impression at that big meeting, have a special date in your calendar, or simply wishing to look your best on a night out with the guys, you definitely don't want these types of blighters letting you down. Most guys suffer with forehead blemishes due to poor exfoliation and a buildup of dirt in this area. You'd be forgiven for naturally cleansing your face from the cheeks outward, which is another reason why the forehead can be left neglected and blemish prone. The truth is guys, get this cleansing operation sharpened up and you will see a drastic improvement in next to no time.

However, if the damage has been done, those lingering blemishes can prepare to leave in the first instance with an even application of a men's face makeup product, such as MMUK MAN's Foundation For Men, before the targeted camouflage ability of a Concealer For Men to neatly disguise those restless bumps, marks and obvious nasties. Some gents often find it difficult in matching such products to their skin tone and on the forehead this is especially important, due to the way light hits this part of the face. A great guide to buying men's makeup is using N3 for very pale skin, N5 for Caucasian skin tones, N7 for tanned skin tones and N8 for darker tones.

Application of foundation to the forehead should be done in the same way you would apply a men's moisturiser and for that professional touch, a men's foundation brush will ensure totally even coverage and a very natural looking finish. Let the foundation dry for about thirty seconds, before applying your concealer to any lingering and still faintly visible imperfections. Finally, remember to work product slightly into your hairline to avoid any tide marks and you can look forward to yet another significant upgrade in your complexion, ready for every occasion.