Good morning, Having looked through your site and wished I could just choose products in my correct shade, I thought it best to ask and send in a photo as advised in the Man Palette section, just to be sure.

I am conscious of my red pigmentation and have tried a tinted moisturiser / CC cream in the past, but I would like to be able to choose the correct shade of foundation / concealer for my skin tone.

Attached is a photo of my face, please advise what the closest shade and most suitable products I could use to even our my skin tone and mask the pigmentation with a natural look. Thanking you in anticipation. Kind regards, Paul.

Hi Paul, Thank you very much for your e-mail. I'm very confident that we can help. I've put a link below to a great blog on how to cover rosacea and hyper pigmentation, which are treated and covered in the same way. Red blotchy skin, as you have described, is very common amongst men and if you’re looking to use men’s makeup to cover it then we’d highly recommend mineral products as they have superior anti-inflammatory properties that are kind to easily aggravated skin.

In terms of products that I suggest (as this blog is a few years old), i'd recommend a calming men's moisturiser, such as our anti-redness moisturiser, a men's primer and followed by our Mineral Pressed Foundation. Our new mineral line is extremely good and offers superior healing qualities to Rosacea and redness prone skin. This foundation will offer great and natural coverage to even your skin tone and enhance your complexion.

After application over your face, you may still see the odd more defined red marks, which is where our Concealer Stick can be applied nice and easily and blended in using your finger tip. I've put some links to my recommendations below as well as the blog link.

After you've applied the moisturiser/primer, mineral pressed foundation and concealer, let your face set and dry naturally for a few minutes. To ensure your products look subtle all day long, stay in place and your entire face appears even and shine free, dust a little Mineral Anti-Shine Powder over your t-zone to finish your look perfectly.

I'm always here if you need further help and I'd advise giving your new routine a couple of practices at home to get the amounts and blending just right. A few practices will make perfect but if you have further questions at this stage, i'm always here.

The correct shade for you in the foundation and concealer is N5. The below skin primer is an added extra but to begin with you'll probably want to keep it as simple as possible, but here's the link if you wanted to check it out. Regards, Lucy.