Hi Adam Happy New Year to you! I’m hoping you can help with a recommendation as to which of your products would be suitable for my son who suffers from familial facial redness (pics attached).

He’s been to the GP several times about this which has basically been there his whole life. The GP has ruled out Rosacea and treated him for dry skin etc but nothing really makes any difference. It’s just a family characteristic. I know because I have it myself but am able to manage it with female make-up products. I use a mineral foundation which works really well, so I was thinking there’s maybe a product with a very natural look in your male make-up range which would suit my son. You seem to offer a few mineral foundations but I’m not quite sure which colour would be best.

My son is 15 and quite aware of his appearance so anything you can do to help would be great. His skin is a bit spotty given his age but not too bad.

Some days and bad and after exercising his skin is a lot redder than in the pics. This is a fairly good day. Thanks for your help. Kind regards, Amanda.

Hello there Amanda,

Thank you so much for getting in touch with us and happy new year to you and your son.

As I was reading your e-mail, our mineral range of male makeup was immediately springing to mind. We've helped several young gentlemen with facial redness, flare ups and spots of this type in the past and more often than not, our Mineral line has worked best and given the most natural looking results. It's also fairly common for mum's to get in contact with us, seeking advice on behalf of their son's.

I'd begin by applying a little skin Skin Primer to the face, just to balance it out and even its surface after his usual morning cleansing routine. This will immediately create a protective layer to which his mineral products can be built upon. Our skin primer will also moisturise correctly without leaving his dry skin oily.

I'd then recommend applying our Mineral Matte Foundation which is generally a lot easier to apply than the loose version. I'd recommend applying this with a Mineral Buffer Brush in small amounts until he gets just enough coverage to hide the redness - without turning his complexion cakey. The mineral benefits of this product will also work very nicely in calming and treating his skin behind the scenes.

Once the foundation has been applied, the redness will immediately be alleviated. As he still suffers with the odd spot, this would be an ideal time to dab on a little concealer to any remaining visible blemishes. After reviewing the picture of your son you sent in, I can confirm that the colour N3 in both the foundation and Concealer Stick is most suitable.

To finish, using the same buffer brush, he can then dust a little of our Mineral Anti-Shine Powder over his face to leave his products in place and his skin looking shine free all day long. The beauty of this invisible powder is that it will act as a final sealing layer to his makeup and correct any pore inconsistencies.

Being a teenage boy, the importance of his routine looking natural and also being easy to follow is obviously paramount and with the above routine outlined along with the links, I'm really confident we can help him.

If you have any further questions or concerns i'm always here and have a lovely day. Lucy