You know the story.  It’s Saturday night and you’ve had a big night out planned for ages, but yes, isn’t it just marvelous that one or two spots should erupt on your face in the build up?  And gentlemen, these aren’t the kind of spots you can pass off in the hope that no one will notice.  You can bet your bottom dollar that these lingering blighters will show themselves up right in the eye line of a fellow onlooker.

Today, courtesy of Makeup For Men UK, we’ll show you how those hard to manage, confidence crippling spots can RSVP elsewhere when it comes to staying up all night to get lucky!  With a simple three step grooming routine, you can in fact disguise even the most defined spots, along with assisting your skin in removing them completely and, not to mention, add a bit of healthy colour to your skin, so it all blends in nicely.

Spots are predominantly caused by blocked and oil ridden pores, which erupt after continuous clogging over a period of days.  Therefore, if you find yourself constantly dealing with this problem, it may be a good idea to invest in a good quality men’s cleanser.  However, in this instance fellas, the damage is already done.  But don’t leave the party, don’t use them as excuse not to talk to that hot girl, because you’ve got a secret, a secret to be shared only between us guys and we can’t wait to share it with you.

First off, it’s time to blast away any excess sebum, oil and grease, which not only clogs down your entire skin, but leaves your spots with a shiny and glowing head, which always love taking the limelight...of course they would!  There’s nothing worse than an oily spot head and with the use of a good quality face wash for men, employed as step one, you can quickly leave your skin looking matte and your spots not as glaringly obvious.

Secondly, it’s time for a men’s tinted moisturiser.  Most guys tend to be put off tinted moisturiser because they see it as feminine.  However, if you see it for what it is, you can truly break it down and reap the rewards.  A good quality moisturiser leaves you skin looking healthy and the inbuilt tint will cover, not just your mild facial imperfections, but will begin your first line of cover up before hitting the bar.

With no time to waste, quickly head on to step three with the use of a powerful cover up concealer for men.  The main man when it comes to hiding and completely removing the appearance of spots and pimples on men, a men’s concealer does just the job when you find yourself in need of an instant complexion lift.

Choose a concealer that matches your skin tone and simply dab it onto individual spots on your face.  Giving a medium pressured dab directly onto your spot and blending in quickly with a clean finger tip, you’re able to make your cover up look really natural and take full advantage of a perfectly clear face.

Remembering to apply sparingly as a little goes a long way, allow men’s concealer to finish off your quick and fuss free pre night out grooming routine.  Remember not to pick spots at every cost enjoy the power of cover up and simply enjoy your evening with more confidence.