For men struggling with patchiness in their facial hair, you are not alone. It’s a daunting (and global) problem and if you are experiencing this, it’s actually quite normal. Following these below steps is a great start to help battle those patchy facial imperfections. Whether you are looking to encourage hair growth, or just learn how to camouflage a targeted area, you’ll find these points insightful and simple to incorporate into your own lifestyle and daily routines. Improve your male grooming game this season with a little help from the experts.

It is important to look after your facial hair just as much as your skin. It all links together and daily maintenance will help improve the quality and condition of both. Let’s start off with some easy steps pointing you towards what changes you can do, to help you out in your quest for a beefed up beard.

Cleansing and Exfoliating Properly

Cleansing thoroughly and taking the time to do so is vital to improve the quality of both your skin and hair. You’ll remove residual dirt, grime, bacteria and pollutants that have built-up on the surface and have found a home in the nooks of your face too. Rinsing these impurities from your face gives you a great base to work upon and ultimately promotes skin health too. It is also super important to regularly EXFOLIATE too, especially around the areas where your hair grows from your face. By doing this, you will stimulate the hair follicles and encourage hair to grow. Dead skin cells are prone to cluster on the skin’s surface and will be more efficiently removed by regular exfoliation. If you don’t, your facial hair is unable to push through the layered texture of your skin and this can lead to patchiness around the beard area for example and even painful ingrown hairs.

Exfoliating the build-up of dead skin cells in these areas may allow and encourage new hair growth where there was once none. A good (gentle) scrub in all the areas of your face provides you will a whole heap of other benefits too. So, it is an important first step to take and incorporate daily, if this is something you don’t already do. Take the time to find the best products that work for your skin type and you’ll see massive improvements in your skin and hair.

Beard Maintenance

This includes beard oils, thirsty hair-quenching solutions, balms and regular brushing. Brushing with a balm will help steer the hair into a desired direction. Gently brush with a bristle brush and you can create

shape to your hair. A great option if the length is at a certain distance, as you may be able to cover any areas where you beard is thinner or patchy. Brushing is great to take out any excess hair that is no longer attached to your skin and it also stimulates the hair follicles at the same time too. Working in a beard oil, or elixir will help to give your beard hair the nourishment it needs. Facial hair has a noticeably wirier texture and stiffness on your face as a result. So, choosing a great product to condition and nourish will help encourage hair health, structure and growth. Good beard maintenance should be invested daily into your routine. Over time, the quality of your hair will improve and it will become thicker, softer and more defined.

Male Makeup

We currently live in a world where more men are choosing to use cosmetics and using them to their advantage. The market is now swarming with more options that are exclusively created for men’s skin. Take MMUK MAN and their premium range of makeup products for example, which are solely designed for the specific needs of men’s skin. Their collection of beard makeup is growing and with so many products to play around with, you have all you need to camouflage any areas that are troubling you. Their Beard and Brow Filler can be used on areas where your facial hair is thinner, or even non-existent. Take a beard/brow blending brush, swipe across the product before blending it into the targeted area. In seconds, your patchy hairline is blanketed with depth. A brilliant transformation which can be untraceable to the naked eye. This allows you to enjoy your day without the stress and worry you previously may have been enduring. Easy to apply and easy to cleanse off once your day is done too - it’s a definite must have.

Scalp Tricopigmentation

These types of procedures come at a cost and should be chosen to do so with considerable research, time and care. Please check out this blog entry here, which features the different tricopigmentation procedures that are available, which include both permanent and temporary options. In a nutshell, this type of treatment will provide you with the illusion of hair follicles and not the growth of hair. It can be a great fix for someone who is struggling with patchy facial stubble and short hair. A targeted area is covered with micro-dots that are evenly spaced, creating a passable illusion of natural hair follicles. (Obviously the result is considered along with the physician’s skill, experience and dexterity.) Much like a tattoo with inks, you are doing the same to your hairlines. With specially created ink, you can ‘fill in’ spaces where hair doesn’t grow and completely change the appearance of troublesome facial areas. Hair thinning is stressful, but it doesn’t have to be! With lots of options to choose from, you could always just rock the thinning with a styled and quirky beard shape. Keeping your hair well maintained, trimmed and neat will also negate the appearance of patchiness in your hairlines. It doesn’t fix the solution, however, as everyone has a different beard, it’s best to find what product, treatment or style works for your facial shape. Do make sure you are also eating and drinking well too. As simple as that sounds, what we consume does have an impact on our bodies, whether it is inside or out.