altr Face Fix
Face Fix concealer is a revolutionary product by the team at ALTR. With packaging that is 100% recyclable this face fixing clay is infused with greatness. Inside you’ll find some key ingredients that give this product amazing results on the skin. From Mexico, a derived wax from the Candelilla shrub is used for its structural and gloss properties. It leaves a consistency over the skin which is a smooth textured finish. You’ll find the Kaolin Clay is a super powerhouse at extracting dirt and oils from the skin. Say goodbye to grime and unnecessary bacteria’s that dwell in your pores. The Carnauba wax, which is found in palm leaves, is known as the ‘Queen of Waxes’. It brings emollient and hypoallergenic properties to the skin, leaving you with a natural glow. This Face Fix contains 4 shades, so all colours of skin can benefit from this miracle worker. You’ll be sorted in no time as application is effortless. Just a simple swipe from your finger across the area on the face, dab and smooth into the targeted area. Much like a lip balm it is easy and doesn’t require tonnes of experience. The Face Fix works at taking a stand against blemishes, spots, acne, redness on the skin and dark circles. A concealer with an undetectable finish, choose this balm to give you a confident boost for your skin. Let it take care of the imperfections and leave you to crack on with your day. Just make sure you wash off before bed though!
Size - 15g