Suffering with acne can be a horrendous time for any guy, but what’s worse is being reminded of it every single day, if you’re unfortunate enough to suffer with mild to severe acne scaring on the face, neck and back because of it. In today’s men’s makeup blog, I’ll run you through five very popular ways in which men navigate this very common sticky situation, ranging from the lower cost option of men’s cosmetic products, right through to more costly laser treatments. So, let’s get stuck in, beginning with makeup for men!

Makeup For MenWhat better place to start with makeup for men? Usually the lowest cost method to cover up acne scaring as a man, the truth is gentlemen, follow a simple men’s cosmetic regime and you can quickly and naturally disguise their appearance, all day long and enhance the overall appearance of your complexion at the same time. We recommend the use of a skin primer to begin with. These powerful skin smoothers act as a pre-makeup base and effectively begin to leave your skin surface more even. Next, use a men’s BB tinted moisturiser, such as MMUK MAN’s BB Cream (for lighter scaring), or MMUK MAN’s Pro Finish Foundation, for more severe scaring and blend that product lightly into affected areas, with either your fingertips, or makeup blending sponge. To finish, touch up more defined imperfections with a concealer for men, which will give you all day long protection against the appearance of your acne scaring. A three step men’s cosmetics routine will cost you about £65.00 for about four months of product, which is why so many opt for this cheaper option to fade the appearance of men’s acne scars.

Laser Resurfacing TreatmentsLaser resurfacing treatments are becoming extremely popular amongst men, especially in their 20’s, as social pressures on them looking good mount. There are two types of laser resurfacing treatments available, including Ablative laser treatment, which involves removing layers of skin around the scar to make it look smoother. The other, Non-Ablative Laster Treatment uses a technique to make the body produce collagen and repair damaged areas. Both do have short term side effects, all of which can be discussed with your dermatologist.

Injectable FillersAnother method to fade the appearance of acne scars at source, is the use of injectable fillers. These fillers essentially plump up acne scars, to give the appearance of a non-dented skin surface and smooth complexion. These techniques can be pricey and utilize the power of Hyaluronic Acid, which is also used to smooth out wrinkles in anti-ageing products too. By lifting acne scarring and quite literally filling it in, the appearance of scars become almost invisible after recovery.

Topical RetinoidsWhen I first heard the name Topical Retinoids, I thought of some amped up drug that I wouldn’t let anywhere near me. However, they are nowhere as destructive as they sound, well, not unless you’re an acne scar. Topical Retinoids encourage the skin to produce more collagen, which is essentially the glue that holds the epidermis together. These power elements derive from incredibly healing vitamin A and work tirelessly to gradually smooth out scars. There are some available on the men’s skin care market, but for more effective treatments, contact your dermatologist.

Kojic AcidKojic Acid is a specialist skin care ingredient that treats severe acne scaring, that often produces dark heavy scars after the suffering period. Kojic Acid is renowned for its intense brightening elements on the skin and when used regularly, effectively balance out skin darkness and dark spots. You may also wish to combine the use of a Kojic Acid treatment with a brightening concealer for men, giving an active double guard against moderate and defined acne scaring.